SecuX STONE wallet promo code for hardware wallet V20, W20, W10 and Nifty

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- Image: SecuX. -

Here available for you discount codes for SecuX STONE hardware wallet models. Copy and paste SecuX promo code in the appropriate field during purchase and save between 10% and 15%, depending on the model you choose (hardware wallet V20, W20, W10, Nifty).

The discount codes for SecuX hardware wallet proposed here are valid for purchase on the official website of the manufacturer and are not valid on other marketsale.

You can use the Secux hardware wallet promo code for purchase V20, W20, W10 and Nifty models. Choose your secure hardware wallet with less money.

With our promotional code you can also buy the new Nifty wallet at a discount dedicated to the custody of your NFTs. Thus you will keep your digital collectibles safe in a hardware wallet of which only you have the access key.

SecuX promo code for hardware wallet V20, W20, W10 and Nifty: 15% discount

Thanks to the collaboration of with SecuX Technology Inc., we are able to provide our readers with a dedicated promo code for SecuX harware wallet V20, W20, W10 and Nifty models.

The discount, valid exclusively on the company's official website, is as follows.

You can get 15% discount on XSEED, XSEED Plus and XSEED Pro too. Add it to the cart with your next SecuX wallet.

How to use the promotional code for SecuX wallets

Here's how to use the SecuX hardware wallet promo code in a nutshell.

  1. Visit the shopping website of the company.
  2. Choose hardware wallet: V20, W20, W10 or the Nifty wallet for your NFTs.
  3. Click or tap on buy and automatically you receive the 15% discount on all SecuX hardware wallet that you will buy (see image below).
- Image: SecuX. -

Features of SecuX STONE models

In the table below a summary of the features of the three models of SecuX hardware wallet, with their relative price.

ModelsV20 FlagshipW20 FantasyW10 Lite
Security chipCertified Secure Element (CC EAL5+)
Pin Code
BackupStandard 12, 18 or 24-word passphrase.
Cross platformDesktop; Tablet; Mobile; ChromebookDesktop; Chromebook
Dual ConnectivityUSB Type-C; BluetoothUSB micro-B; BluetoothUSB micro-B
Coin and tokenOver 1000 crypto asset supported
DisplayColor touchscreen 2,8"
BatteryRechargeable 600 mAh lithium battery, duration 7 hours.
Dimenisons1,5 x 9,8 x 9,8 cm1,3 x 8,9 x 5,9 cm
Price139 euro and/or USD119 euro and/or USD69 euro and/or USD

SecuX Nifty wallet: the first NFT hardware wallet

SecuX Nifty wallet it's the first NFT hardware wallet of the history.

The Nifty wallet is for all of your NFT. Nifty blockchain support is cross chain: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon. You can store here a lot of NFT. And the dislay is touch.

And this is the features of Nifty wallet.

  • Infineon CC EAL5+ certified Secure Element chip
  • True ownership display and clear-view signing
  • Personalized NFT gallery
  • 2.8 inch largest color touchscreen
  • Easy access to NFT marketplace and DeFi apps
  • WalletConnect support enabled

The price of SecuX Nifty wallet is 199 USD and/or euro. Buy it now with 15% discount and you receive it at your home: directly.

You can read from here the complete review of Nifty wallet.

SecuX STONE hardware wallet video presentation

Below is a one-minute video introducing the SecuX STONE line of hardware wallets.